It was wonderful not rushing to be somewhere this morning. Breakfast was leisurely and I made it to the omelet station. These waiters certainly know us by now -- they fill my coffee cup to the brim, the way I like it. And since we are traveling today, we started smuggling food to take with us. And then, suddenly we were caught in the action!! "Uno momento", our waiter said and came running back with foil, box, and a plastic bag. Had a good laugh over that and packed up some goodies to go.
While I have the time, I'll write about the great visor hunt. I left my $1 foam visor in the Cali hotel. When we got to Medellin, I started looking around for another one or at least something similar and packable. Wherever we went Carolina would pop into stores and ask - "no, no" they all said. I found one that was passable but very big and stiff - probably won't survive the suitcase but I bought it anyway just in case. Yesterday in the downtown mall mania, I found a better one another - small and foldable.
Our joke was that next year, my foam visor will probably be sold all over the place here since we spread the word. Plus the owner of our Cali hotel is quite the entrepreneur. When he sees this $1 marvel, I am convinced he will market them!
Then there was and is still ongoing, the great stamp hunt. There are only two postcards that we buy every trip and it gets harder and harder to find stamps. In Colombia it has been impossible. We have been carrying these cards since Bogota. Yesterday I told Carolina and this gal is like a dog with a bone when you ask her for something (remember the bike shirt!!). She went out of her way in the morning but no luck. After biking, she asked if we wanted to try again. We both agreed that the hour or so it would take to get across the traffic was not worth it, and with no guarantee they would be there. So the cards come to coffee country.
Spoke with my bro this morning while we had the time. All is well state's side. Got caught up with the latest Boston sports gossip. Good to hear his voice. Also just found out that my half-sister in California just got hitched! Mazel Tov to her and Jim. Love always.
Still have a couple of hours before the airport - just chillin'. Ten minutes later....Had about
enough chillin' and ventured out to get some deniro. Great fun! They close down the big boulevard at the bottom our hill on Sundays for recreation. Everyone is out and having a ball. Took some parting shots of Medellin before heading back up the hill.
Taxi is here. See you in Salento......
Arrived safely. After almost going to the wrong airport and then almost missing the flight because we couldn't understand the announcement. We made it aboard a small turbo prop for our 45 minute flight to Armenia. Our driver was waiting for us and off we went to Salento. The ride was beautiful up and down through the mountain side passing coffee plantations, lots of vegetation and small villages. Unfortunately, the camera was in the backpack in the trunk.
The views are spectacular. Pulled into Eco-Hotel La Cabana and was greeted with brownies and coffee. The place is a running dairy farm and they converted the main house to a hotel about 2 years ago. The farm is over 100 years old and the building is built out of cow manure and sand. Hopefully, we'll have some time tomorrow to investigate the place more.
It is now almost 7pm and it is wet outside. Dinner is in the dining hall here - looks like it's rice and beans. After our fine dining experience we are back to splitting meals again. Tomorrow is an early start to get the sunshine for an eight mile hike.
Next time... Hiking the Cocora Valley
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