Another day, another, hut, another hammock! That's life in Colombia lately. Our old friend, Henry (driver who met us at airport) picked us up late morning. After about a two hour drive, most of which was, of course, straight up, twisty turny but paved for the most part, we arrived at our Minca home. We are high up in the Santa Marta hills. Not exactly like the website but it will do for two nights.
We checked out our surroundings and headed across the jungle to the hotel restaurant only for them to tell us that it was closed. But the signs everywhere, even the menu, say noon to 2:30. It was barely two o'clock. There aren't a lot of options here for food, if any, so we were going to get fed one way or another. After a lot of back and forth in languages no one understood. It was settled that they would feed us something. David, from reception, who speaks some English, explained that the cook was away and would be back by dinner time. Surely someone can fry up a plaintain! And sure enough we were seated and they lovely ladies prepared us a snack.
Took another route to get back to the hut - more road than rocky terrain. Might be better in the dark when we have to go back for dinner. That's about as much adventure as we are up for at this point in our trip. The major thing to do here in Minca is to hike up to the waterfall but I think we are waterfall-ed out, or another coffee farm tour. Maybe I should've thought this out some more before we came???
So it looks like we are just going to swing in our hammocks until Friday morning when we are off again. This time one night in Cartagena and then on to an island - hopefully a flat one!!
Next time....????
Hummingbirds and Hammocks, what a way to go (to the island, that is). Hat size is ...Head Circumference 57cm which i think is a medium.